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PTO Meeting Minutes 2/13/24

Neff Elementary PTO -- Quarterly Meeting

Tuesday, February 13, 2024 6:30pm via ZOOM

“I want to call the meeting to order, time is 6:34_”

  1. Welcome & Introduction:  

    1. Principal: Travis Bash

    2. PTO Board:  Rachel Levine, Whitney Tsakonas, Katie Warner, Lori DeTemple (Absent), Kelsey Danz

    3. Attendees

      1. Sara Bowers, Erin Checchia, Steph Gerber, Olivia Cordero, 

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting—December 12, 2023

    1. Minutes Approved

      1. copy available for review on the website

  1. Principal Report:  Travis Bash

    1. First Annual International Night–Feb. 22, 5:30pm-7pm 

      1. 14 Families have signed up to share

    2. Family Survey Responses Reviewed:

      1. 32% of Families responses–69 responses total

      2. Survey was translated into native languages to accommodate families requesting interpreting services; 7/12 of these families responded to the survey

      3. Survey consisted of 19 questions using a Likert Scale

        1. Compared to responses from 2022, 2023 responses showed improvement among 74% of the questions

        2. Reported Strengths: sense of community, safety, pride

        3. Areas for Improvement: Communication regarding student progress, bus/recess behavior

      4. Most respondents indicated preference for school communications through both Seesaw and Email

      5. Next steps: Share with PTO, North Star committee, Neff Data Team

  1. School Board Report: JoAnn Hentz 

    1. Not Present

  1. Treasurer Report:  Lori DeTemple (not present) Report presented by Rachel Levine

    1. Reviewed the Profit & Loss for the year:

      1. Teacher appreciation: $780 has been budgeted for this expense

        1. Hoping to create committee to manage this event

        2. Request donations from families and local businesses to alleviate expenses 

      2. Restaurant nights have generated $949.01 YTD

      3. Events held this year (minus Lions Quest) have generated an extra $1118.30

      4. Have added an additional $2067.31 to PTO income this year to supplement $12174.46 made from Lions Quest

    2. PTO Board is currently looking for new volunteer to take over as treasurer or Co-treasurer for 2024/2025 school year 

      1. Steph Gerber Volunteered-She will get connected with Lori.

  1. SLAC (Superintendent’s Lay Advisory Council) Report: Kisha Johnson, Rachel Levine, Lori DeTemple

    1. Rachel Reports:

      1. Most was regarding HS heart monitors. Notes on website

      2. PTOs are going to try to communicate more with one another to share vendors, resources, etc. Contacts are being shared

      3. Discussed bussing schedule notifications-now emails will only be sent if there is a significant change.

      4. This will be Kisha’s last year on SLAC– if interested, reach out to Miss Bash. 

  1. PTO Update: Rachel Levine

    1. Passive Fundraising

      1. Yearbook- Hannah

        1. have sold about 100 to date

        2. still selling yearbooks

        3. possibly do in-person sale at Roller Skating event 

      2. Restaurant Nights:  Sara

        1. Chipotle - $147

        2. The Sandwich Factory - $311

        3. Mick’s - waiting on total, seemed well attended

        4. Next one is March 5 at Mod Pizza-all day event, doing 25% back in sales. 

    2. Past Events

      1. Family Fun Night- Urban Air 

        1. Some confusion with the Teacher led Family Game Night held the same week at the school. Possibly market as Winter Party for future years

        2. Received $276 but Only 34 total transactions–  less participation than Go n’ Bananas

        3. Possibly look into selling tickets in advance to promote participation commitment

      2. Talent show- canceled due to low participation from students

        1. Discussed timing of the year as a possible factor; sign ups right after holiday break may have impeded participation. Discussed possibility of pushing event and sign up deadlines back one week

      3. Dinner and a movie - waiting on numbers but very successful, upgraded to a 120 person theater and were not up-charged by theater resulting in unexpected income

        1. Event was bundled with Mick’s restaurant night 

      4. Made $ from selling concessions at Family Fun Night

    3. Upcoming Events

      1. Roller Skating 3/23 @ 10am, $4 per family; concessions and skates available from MTWP Rec 

        1. NEEDED: Co-Chair for this event

      2. Teacher Appreciation Week 

        1. Looking for ideas:

          1. at least one meal, 

          2. coffee

          3. mocktail bar

          4. gift from students

          5. send emails to parents with opportunities to participate and celebrate teachers. 

          6. NEEDED: Put a call out to parents to organize a committee to run Teacher Appreciation week 

      3. Spring Fest Update

        1. NEEDED: Additional Co-chairs

          1. Kona Ice is lined up 

          2. PTO will sell concessions

          3. Business donation requests have been sent out

          4. Two bounce houses with staff 

          5. Balloon Twisters have been booked

          6. NEED: Volunteers for Face Painting

          7. recruit HS art students

          8. Recruit volunteers from HS clubs including Key Club and Future Teachers

          9. Rainy Day theme was popular

          10. Many grades provided enough donations for 2-3 baskets

          11. Co-Chair Vacant

          12. Co-Chair Vacant

          13. Co-Chair Vacant

          14. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          15. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          16. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          17. (Olivia Cordero?)

          18. Sending out theme basket flyers in the next few weeks-If have new ideas for themes, reach out to committee

          19. Rainy Day theme was popular

          20. Many grades provided enough donations for 2-3 baskets

          21. Co-Chair Vacant

          22. Co-Chair Vacant

          23. Co-Chair Vacant

          24. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          25. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          26. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          27. (Olivia Cordero?)

    4. Volunteer Update

      1. NEED: Spring fest 5/10/24 volunteers- adults and students

      2. Field day 5/20-21

        1. Mr. Bransby has made a request for volunteers

          1. possibly ask HS students, universities, sports teams

          2. need clearances

      3. Board Member status for 2024-25

        1. If Interested in volunteering for any open positions, please contact PTO President, Rachel Levine: 

          1. President: Rachel Levine

          2. Co-Chair Vacant

          3. Co-Chair Vacant

          4. Co-Chair Vacant

          5. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          6. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          7. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          8. (Olivia Cordero?)

          9. Vice President: Whitney Tsakonas

          10. Co-Chair Vacant

          11. Co-Chair Vacant

          12. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          13. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          14. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          15. (Olivia Cordero?)

          16. Secretary: Katie Warner 

          17. Co-Chair Vacant

          18. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          19. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          20. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          21. (Olivia Cordero?)

          22. Treasurer: Lori DeTemple

          23. Co-Chair - Steph Gerber

          24. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          25. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          26. (Olivia Cordero?)

          27. Social Media: Kelsey Danz 

          28. Co-Chair (Erin Checchia)

          29. Creating new role for Website Manager 

          30. (Olivia Cordero?)

        2. Put Marketing out to recruit 

Next Meeting:  April 9, 2024

Adjournment—I move that we adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm


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