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PTO Meeting Minutes 10/10/23

Neff Elementary PTO -- Quarterly Meeting

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 6:30pm in person

“I want to call the meeting to order, time is 6:31pm_”

  1. Welcome & Introduction:  

    1. PTO Board:  Rachel Levine, Whitney Tsakonas, Katie Warner, Lori DiTemple, Kelsey Danz

    2. Attendees (See sign in sheet)

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting—April 10, 2023

    1. Lori made a motion to approve, seconded by Erin Cecchia

    2. Approved

  1. Review and approval of Bylaws

    1. Approved

  1. Principal Report:  Travis Bash

    1. Travis: Kick-off assembly: introduce PBIS and Neffy, will continue to have marking period assembly celebrations throughout the year

    2. 175th year of MTSD and will be celebrating throughout year, including a time capsule with an item from each school presented monthly at board meetings. Neff will submit an aerial view of students spelling Neff and each class submitting an artifact.

    3. PTC will be in November, week of Thanksgiving Nov. 20&21.

    4. Ms. Bash Will be sending out October Parent Survey and then a Post Survey at end of year. Great way to submit feedback

    5. Introducing another incentive this year-starting at end of first marking period

  1. School Board Report: JoAnn Hentz 

    1. Not present

  1. Manheim Township Education Fund: Becky Doumaux, Becca Stamp was present and spoke:

    1. MTEF Supports district by providing grants. Provided $1.8 million to district. MTEF is celebrating 30th anniversary. 

    2. STEAM Lab was a piloted program started at Neff funded by MTEF

    3. Partnered with district for Sprouted Learning Pre-K programs

    4. Updating planetarium

    5. Supported launch day speakers for Prof Development

    6. PTO are eligible to apply for grants through MTEF: Examples-Outdoor Classroom at Bucher; Summer garden at Brecht

    7. Looking for ideas that: cutting edge, new innovative technology/practice (3D printers); Peer to peer grant promotes good will and social component within the community. guidelines available on website. 2 grant deadlines (Fall/Spring) April 3 is spring deadline

    8. New Grant Portal that helps to streamline the process

    9. Reviewed ways to donate to MTEF and other ways MTEF secures funding

  1. Treasurer Report:  Lori DiTemple

    1. Report submitted by Lori DeTemple (See Attached)

      1. Lions Quest is critical to continuing PTO function and activities

        1. fund assemblies, field trips, invest in Neff, low cost family activities, Book Fair free books 

  1. SLAC (Superintendent’s Lay Advisory Council) Report: Kisha Johnson, Rachel Levine, Lori DiTemple

    1. Report provided by Rachel:

      1. Explained what SLAC is

      2. Reviewed results from communication survey, available on website:

        1. want to have variety of modes of communication to ensure information is being shared

        2. Bible2School was discussed

        3. All minutes will start to be made available on the PTO website for review

  1. PTO Update: Rachel Levine

    1. Passive Fundraising

      1. Spirit Wear Update- Kisha (not present)

        1. Sale was successful; $447, design was new. will be encouraged to 

      2. Yearbook- Hannah

        1. any time take photos, can send to yearbook email.

        2. looking for co chairs

      3. Restaurant Nights:  Sara

        1. Mod Pizza

          1. Has restaurant nights for almost every month except January and May. 

          2. Running into challenge of restaurants needing specific forms 

          3. Restaurants needing threshold for turnout, unable to guarantee that. 

          4. Will send dates 

          5. All fliers need to be approved by Principal ahead of time.

          6. brainstormed ways to encourage participation

          7. FB Class pages not organized by district staff or PTOs but PTO can direct to these pages

    2. Fundraisers

      1. LION’S QUEST

        1. What we have raised so far

          1. Raised approximately $5k

        2. How to continue raising up until 10/20

          1. Goal is every student raise $45

          2. Every kid will get a water bottle - got at discount

          3. All participants receive winner Medals

          4. Every kid with donation will receive a prize - no cost

          5. Fun Run will have 7 stations of fun games

          6. Still looking for volunteers; all Volunteers need clearances

          7. Member: Erin Checchia noted that in the past the teachers individually contacted families to advertise 

          8. Another member: Teachers having first second and third prize to incentivize the teachers to promote it

          9. Need to get more visibility on social media platforms

          10. Donations accepted past day of event 

          11. Send home flier on day of event to remind that donations still accepted

    3. Upcoming Events

      1. Review calendar 

        1. Next event is pottery night. It will be held the week of Thanksgiving - Olivia is chair but looking for another chair

        2. PTC days, PTO provides breakfast to teachers: Nov. 20 - Steph Gerber has volunteered to organize Dinner Potluck this year

    4. Volunteer Update

      1. Event Chairs - what do we still need to cover

        1. Sign up was passed around for continued sign-up

        2. Directory-digital only, chaired by Kisha. Have to opt in to have access. To opt in-have to go to sign up on PTO website via volunteer sign up link

Next Meeting:  December 12, 2023  

Adjournment—I move that we adjourn the meeting at 7:30pm__


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