Starting June 10, the Neff office will typically be open Monday-Thursday 8am-3:30pm (closed Fridays). However, there may be some days when Mr. Good and Mrs. Mitchell are both out of the office. Please call 717-569-8502 beforehand to ensure someone is in the office if you intend to visit over the summer.
If you have recently moved or plan to move within the District over the summer, please submit a completed Change of Address Form with proof of address. It is essential that we have your current address on file for planning purposes (student class placement and transportation assignments).
If you are moving OUT of our school district, please submit a completed Student Withdrawal Form as soon as possible. We encourage you to enroll your child(ren) with their new school district at your earliest convenience so we may send your child(ren)’s school and health records to their new school. This helps to ensure a smooth transition for your child for the next school year!
Summer meals are provided free of charge to children 18 years of age and under. No registration or ID required. MT Summer Meal sites: Bucher, Nitrauer & Schaeffer. Click here for more information.
Summer Events & Camps
Back to School Event hosted by Rep. Mike Sturla & Rep. Isail Smith-Wade-El
We are excited to share that Manheim Township School District K-8 families are invited to attend a Back to School event for next school year, hosted by Representative Mike Sturla and Representative Isail Smith-Wade-El's office. This registration required event will be held on Sunday, August 18, 2024 with registration occurring from 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., festivities continuing until 4:00 p.m. and ending with a free Barnstormers game at 5 p.m. MTSD K-8 families who are interested in registering for this event must click here to visit the event's registration page.This event will also be open to students at Hempfield School District, Penn Manor School District and School District of Lancaster. Click here for more information.
MTSD 1st Day of School
Monday, August 26, 2024